Corporate Identity

About Coporate Identity

WELCOME's Red means corporate drive and energy, and WELCOME's Orange means corporate kindness and customer happiness. The Welcome Financial Group's Symbol Mark uses two initials C to embody the initial W, which embodies the shaking hands of customers and businesses.

symbol mark of Welcome Financial Group embodies the image of a customer shaking hands with a company as a representation of the initial W through the use of two initials C.

Guide documents are produced in AI format and contain CI for the entire group company.

Monochromatic color combination image

Monochromatic color combination

Spatial regulation image

Spatial regulation


The CI of the Welcome Financial Group is an element that expresses the identity of a company and should be familiar with the contents of this section when used to prevent misuse. Grid regulations are based on the use of the data contained in the guidelines and are built to prevent errors in the basic form.

Exclusive Color

Welcome Red

WELCOME's Red means corporate drive and energy.

C 0 M 100 Y 81 K 4
R 234 G 0 B 44

Welcome Orange

WELCOME's Orange means corporate kindness and customer happiness.

C 0 M 61 Y 97 K 0
R 255 G 122 B 0

Exclusive font

Welcome font uses digital features as design elements to express our philosophy and core value. It is a typeface that symbolizes trust and stability as a financial institution by emphasizing the longitudinal stroke of a hard and the soft curving of the lower left corner of the font means open engagement towards the customer.

  • WELCOME font Regular

    디지털 혁신 스마트 웰컴 글로벌 금융그룹 웰컴금융그룹
    Digital No.1 Welcome
  • WELCOME font Bold

    디지털 혁신 스마트 웰컴 글로벌 금융그룹 웰컴금융그룹
    Digital No.1 Welcome